Rider and Horse Grading
When nominating for attending our club days, you must state which level you feel best describes you and/or your horses capabilities. Please be honest with your abilities as it will help the Rally Co-ordinators put you in the lesson that you will get the most out of.
Rider / horse grading
A group:
Combinations that can confidently walk and trot in a group situation, and be working towards cantering individually within the group. Confident seat and hand position
B group:
Combinations that can walk trot and canter individually and/or in a group, lateral work may or may not be established, seat and hand established. May or may not be a lower level C group
C group:
Combinations that have work trot and canter established individual and group, lateral work may or may not be established, knowledge of rider aids and how to communicate this to a young horse or high level trained horse.
The above levels are a guide only, and MBARC endeavour to employ instructors who can teach each riders to their level regardless of the grouping. Rally coordinators endeavour to cater to all riders on rally days, however in the interest of smaller manageable groups and for safety reasons your elected group may or may not be given.